Dr. Niwa Health Products (SOD-Like-Action-Food)

The idea of ​​founding my own company in 2006 came about through the discovery of the methods and products of Dr. Niwa in Japan. He was for decades a major researcher and scientist in Japan in the research of free radicals, cancer therapies, skin diseases, etc. Since then, I have been selling individual products in my practice as well as in my webshop. Part of its products and applications are extremely well-known in Japan, China and Korea. It is worth researching about these products. Above all, the products against "free radicals" and the "fossil shell powder" are of particular importance. In my assortment I also have some products of Dr. med. Niwa for the skin.

Rooibos TX is a organic quality powder extract seven times the normal strength of Rooibos tea. It is a high-quality product rich in minerals and caffeine free.
The aromatic, soothing and unique rich flavour of Rooibos tea is only surpassed by its health benefits and healing properties. Classified as a coniferous tree, with the scientific name “Asparasus Linearus”, although locally it is more affectionately known as “a blessing of the red bush”. Rich in anti-oxidants, low in tannin and caffeine free it is one of nature’s perfect achievements.

