My vocational training began in Japan, where I earned the pharmacist license. After only a few years working as a pharmacist, I lived in the USA for 5 years and earned a bachelor in Business Administration. Since 2006, I have been working where I really feel at home, in the health sector. Personal beliefs on various health topics motivated me to open my own practice. It all began with the Stone-Therapy-Bath and certain health products from Japan based on research by Dr. Yukie Niwa. My biggest passion today is to help people become healthier, alleviate or eliminate pain, and show them how to take their own health into their own hands. Everyone is individual, and nothing works the same for all people. But this is exactly where I experience joy and success because I have the necessary passion for it.
Miwako von Planta
Meijo University, Nagoya, Japan
・Certified Pharmacist (Japan)
The Master´s University, Santa Clarita, California, USA
・Bachelor of Science Management (USA)
・Christian Ministries Administration (USA)
Seitai-Manual Therapy (Japanese Osteopathy)
Health Consultant